Thursday of the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
1 Maccabees 2: 15-29
Gospel Reading
Luke 19: 41-44

Opening Prayer

Goodness, why is righteousness so violent at times? We are torn by conflicting values of our faith and our society. We attack those who differ or threaten us. Your hero in Maccabees is killing those who give in to pressure. It is like pro-life people killing people who differ with them. Righteousness can be so dangerous? Why is so much violence born of religion, when You are God of Peace? What darkness with us masquerades as religion and destroys others? Jesus wept over Jerusalem. I hope that you are not weeping over the violence, hardness, apostasy and weakness of my heart. I try, Lord! I’m weak! Only Your Spirit can save me from the violence which wells from darkness within – the violence of word, judgment, action and silence, which kills others. Tear down the walls of our stony hearts that we might know Your visitation, power and gentle presence. You chose Mary as the finest among us. Her innocence and openness allowed You to find and create a new dwelling place among us. Her youth proclaims your hopeful and powerful initiative. We rejoice that through Mary, You chose to make us Your Temple, the living Body of Your Christ.

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