In January five men demonstrated their vocation to love by answering the call to become Carmelite priests. The profession ceremony was held in Lurin, Peru. Three of the newly professed are from El Salvador, one is from Peru and the other from Venezuela. All will be assigned to the United States. We congratulate these men and their families. Most of all we thank God for His continued blessing of vocations.
These newly professed candidates will be praying for you each day, just as I did during my time at Whitefriars Hall in Washington, D.C. They are truly grateful for your support for their seminary training. I am so thankful to now serve as Director of the Society of the Little Flower. How could I have known, during my own training in the seminary that in the future, I would be able to serve the very generous donors who supported me?
You’ve heard us say many times that your generosity helps form and support young seminarians. You are supporting seminarians like these young men, and like me. Perhaps one day you will meet a priest you helped form! Thank you for your generosity, sacrifices, and love!
Gratefully in the Little Flower,

Fr. Tom Schrader, O. Carm.
Society of the Little Flower, Director