Words of St. Therese
Our Lord never asks sacrifices from us beyond our strength. At times, it is true this Divine Savior makes us feel all the bitterness of the chalice that He is offering our soul. When He asks the sacrifice of all that is precious in this world, it is impossible, without a very special grace, not to cry out like Him in the garden of agony: “Father, let this chalice pass from me – but not my will, but Your will be done.” It is very consoling to think that Jesus, the Strong God, knew our weakness, that He trembled at the sight of the bitter chalice, this chalice that He had in the past so ardently desired to drink.
Our Novena Prayer
Therese, sensitive and precious as you are, you learned the wisdom that alone we are helpless; in God we are powerful. Teach me the lesson of trust and surrender. Like you, I am sometimes overwhelmed by sorrow, challenges, disappointments and worries.
Sensitive Little Flower, I need your faith that we are not abandoned. Give me your generous spirit which places my sufferings, hurts and hopes in the hands of Jesus. Teach me to humbly drink the chalice of what life offers, teach me the childlike trust that allowed God to transform your fears into a joyful life of faith in God’s love. Empower me to drink of God’s tender love and strong protection.