Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Sirach 27: 4-7
Second Scripture Reading
1 Corinthians 15: 54-58
Gospel Reading
Luke 6: 39-45

Opening Prayer

God of Life, death has no sting, except for the hurt we cause others by the way we demean, diminish or destroy them by word, glance, action or silence. Continue to be the clarifying God of life and light for us. Our speech betrays our soul. Speak Your Word deep within and among us so that we become people of the good news, in what we say to and about each other. We have been tested by trials to know our humbling truth. Heal us from that destructive drive which sees and proclaims the defects in others, even as we beg understanding for our own. Cure our blindness, God of Life, that we might see the light of truth. Bless us with self-knowledge and awareness that humbles us before Your awesome Goodness and sees clearly Your image in the people I judge harshly. My arrogance and insecurity are blinders which blur reality. Heal my sight, Lord Jesus, that I may bear good fruit and speak the good news of others and You! My eyes are the windows of my soul — as you purify my sight, purify my heart that I might live from Your compassionate wisdom.

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