Thursday of the Eighth Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
1 Pt 2:2-5, 9-12
Gospel Reading
Mark 10:46-52

Opening Prayer

God of Uplifting Light, it is awesome the way You have transformed us.  Like the blind beggar, we want to see.  Touch our blindness and the confusing way we grope through the journey of life.  InSpirit us to believe that you have made us the living stones of the temple of Your presence.  Remove the cataracts which warp our vision so that we can see and accept what You have done to us and through us!  Enlighten us without blinding us by Your brilliance!  Thank you for Your trust in making us Your precious and trusted people, responsible for creating Your reign here on earth.  This is Your day of visitation – this is our day of light!  Thank you for clarifying our vision and helping us to see You!

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