Wednesday of the Eighth Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
1 Peter 1: 18-25
Gospel Reading
Mark 10: 32-45

Opening Prayer

Word-Made-Flesh, You are God saving us. You are the enfleshment of Divine Love. Your Blood has reconnected us to God, so that God is again the center of our life experience. Your glory is the divine seed within us, growing, connecting, uplifting until the fullness of Your Reign. Continue to blossom and flower in us. Your Word has power! Your Word is power! Your Word is love. Empower us to be like You, in the power of Your Word. Humble us not to play power games of who is more important, who gets privileged seats and prestigious recognition, and how to save ourselves from suffering. We want to follow you closely, but we also want to avoid the pain. Your Passover mystery of suffering and glory continues to baffle us. Continue to speak Your Word of love spoken in service. Transform us so that we are living editions of Your Gospel in the way we live and treat each other.

Today we celebrate St. Therese receiving permission from her father to enter Carmel.  Give me her bold confidence in following you, Lord of Love.

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