Saturday of the Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
2 Chronicles 24: 17-25
Gospel Reading
Matthew 6: 24-34

Opening Prayer

You must tire of our duplicitous hearts. We want to be totally for you, Lord, and yet we deify our dreams and hurts, and worship them. Our divided hearts must frustrate and hurt you, God of love! Like the princes of Judah, we turn to the lust of phallic pillars and altars of idols we create for fertility, pleasure and prosperity. We try to balance two masters and it becomes self-destructive. We need to relearn the lesson that if we abandon You and Your ways, You will abandon us as the source of our strength. Teach us to trust you, Good God – and not simply to trust our own resources, hopes, hurts and dreams. I am sorry that my human needs, drives and hungers define me and the worshipful energy I expend. Purify my heart so that I can trust You with simplicity of heart. I apologize for being afraid that You will not take care of me and the world. I am weak in faith! Focus me to be present to today and celebrate all You are doing within and around me – and not be dominated by worrisome fears of tomorrow or haunting hurts of yesterday. Teach me to trust You as the God of this moment and to be wholehearted in my embrace of You and life.

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