Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
2 Corinthians 11: 1-11
Gospel Reading
Matthew 6: 7-15

Opening Prayer

Jealous God, I am sorry that my heart strays sometimes. I know You want all of me and I want to give myself to You wholeheartedly, but sometimes I allow other things, needs and people to possess parts of my heart. Help me to love like St. Paul, with enthusiasm, humility, and self-sacrifice, and not to be paralyzed by insecurity. In prayer, teach me again to listen to what Jesus taught: to pray simply and listen more. Humble me to shut up and listen to You! You must get bored by all our endless words! Keep me faithful to the Our Father that praises You and asks You to treat and forgive us the way we treat each other. It’s frightening, You know!

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