Feast of Saint James, Apostle

First Scripture Reading
2 Corinthians 4: 7-15
Gospel Reading
Matthew 20: 20-28

Opening Prayer

Lord Jesus, James and his brother heard Your call on the Sea of Galilee. They gave up all to follow You, among the company of the apostles. Like James, help us to hear Your call on the seashore of our lives, and to follow You. You always choose the lowly to manifest Your greatness and goodness. You are the treasure in the earthen vessel of our lives. In our brokenness, Your power is most manifest. Sometimes, like James, his brother and Mom in the Gospel, we struggle to be people of power — controlling You and others. We seek to have the head seats at the Table of Your Kingdom. Help us to be humble servants, Lord, washing feet as You did, instead of demanding prestige, prominence and power. Help us to be servants, as You are, Lord Jesus. Help us to be an apostle like James, spreading the Good News of Your saving love to all we meet. We make this prayer in Your Name, You who are the Suffering Servant of God and God’s People.

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