Feast of Saints Philip and James, Apostles

First Scripture Reading
1 Corinthians 15: 1-8
Gospel Reading
John 14: 6-14

Opening Prayer

Sometimes I’m jealous of the apostles, Jesus. They knew you so well. They saw you laugh, cry, teach, heal, sweat, smile, relax, work hard, interact and need to be alone. They saw you in good days and bad days. They were intimate enough to ask you questions. In dialogue with them, you came to understand God and the mystery of the way He works in your life – and in ours! We are grateful to them – they handed on your story. Despite their doubts and questions, they believed. Thus, we can believe in you. Be patient with us, as you were with Philip, as we question to try to embrace your truth and life. Sometimes we are slow to understand. Keep us faithful in following you, Lord Jesus. Enable us to be apostles, like Philip and James, who tell and retell your story in ways people can believe.

This day, amid World War II, St. Therese was made patron of her native France, along with her heroine, Joan of Arc. May their inclusive passion and sacrificial zeal for you, Good Shepherd, fire and ignite our hearts and inspire us to let your Spirit be the protective patron of the native land of our life experience.

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