Opening Prayer
Jealous God, You want everything. You especially want Your firstborn Son. You must have been moved as Mary and Joseph obediently offered their son to You at the Temple. What a price they would pay for handing Him over! We rejoice that Jesus became one of us. All humanity and our human experience are made holy because You embraced us in the person of Jesus. We are offered as He offered. We are holy by His presence among us. He brings and is light to the darkness of our lives. He is fire burning when our ashes are cold. It is interesting that only two old people even seem to notice. There is an old, cynical and jaded part of us that doesn’t even expect You to be present and keeps you distant. Rekindle the fire within me that I might pray like Simeon and Anna, knowing that You are present in the temple of my life experience – that You are glory and light, even when I walk in darkness – when Your presence and actions break my heart – and when You are a sign of contradiction for me. Be light and glory, Holy God. I am Yours because Jesus came into my world!
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