Memorial of Saint Scholastica, Virgin

First Scripture Reading
Genesis 3: 1-8
Gospel Reading
Mark 7: 31-37

Opening Prayer

Creating God, that tree in the middle is a dangerous and teasing sign. You knew it would cause trouble. What is the serpentine allure of being what we are not? Why the powerful attraction of dishonesty and insincerity? In our nakedness, why are we uncomfortable? You have created us in Your image, yet we hide who we are, even from You. Gift us with the wisdom of loving and accepting ourselves the way You love and accept us. Continue to walk in our garden, even when we are trying to hide. We need the touch and spittle and Jesus to heal the dysfunctions that cripple us. Because we hide among the rustling bushes, we have been deafened by the volume of so much sound and noise within and around us. We no longer hear You calling us. We spent too much time and energy sewing loincloths to cover the core of who we are. Help us to listen to You, so that we can speak Your good news.

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