Saturday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Genesis 3: 9-24
Gospel Reading
Mark 8: 1-10

Opening Prayer

You are a disappointed Parent, aren’t You? We knew we did wrong, even as we blame each other, But You came after us. You were searching for us. That gives me hope when I get lost and mired in my own madness. I am so afraid that You’d see me naked. Why do I play these games with myself – You know more of me than I want to know of me! As punishment for this disobedience of digging beyond, we live with pain, struggle, sweat and death. But you will come to us in our exile and call us home to You, won’t You?!? Even in our banishment, help us not to collapse in the divisive hoarding of resources. Teach us the eucharistic message of Jesus – that there is more than enough for Your children. Keep us faithful to the message of justice as we struggle in this exile from the paradise which You intend for us.

May Our Lady of Lourdes’ message of mercy and compassion bring integrity to our lives and our world!

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