Friday of the Fifth Week of Lent

First Scripture Reading
Jeremiah 20: 10-13
Gospel Reading
John 10: 31-42

Opening Prayer

Jesus, like righteous ones we look for evil. We don’t recognize all the good you have done for others and ourselves. We somehow concentrate more on the evil and unfulfilled dreams in our world – and in our hearts. In our rage, we throw stones. We don’t like to suffer! We don’t want others to suffer! We don’t want you to suffer! Yet why do we create destructive suffering? Purify the blasphemy of our hearts that distances you as God – too-close! Please be our mighty champion, Jesus. We are helpless before the abyss of darkness we create and which consumes us. Amid the unforgettable confusion of our hearts, especially as we follow you to the Cross, help us to remember your faithfulness – may it give us hope and uplifting courage.

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