Opening Prayer
God of love, You have known and loved us forever. Like a tender Mother, you held us and taught us to walk, feed and relate. We are sorry that we have disappointed You. Your parent’s heart must hurt. Thank you for not seeking vengeance in Your blazing anger. Thank you for still loving us, even in our infidelity, insincerity, and indifference. Teach us again to walk in Your ways, and proclaim Your faithful, healing love. Empower us to travel lightly, carrying little baggage which would weigh us down and limit Your message. Help us to trust You as the Parent God who never gives up on us and whose heritage reign is accomplished through us! Therese, this must have been a dark day for you, when in 1897, the decision was made to isolate you in the infirmary because of the accelerating rate of your illness. You must have known that God was drawing you closer to home. Help us to have faith amid the dark times of pain, disappointment and illness to trust that your refining and embracing presence is still with us, even though we feel empty. Strengthen our faith, powerful Therese, to believe that in our frailty is God’s mercy and healing power.
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