Opening Prayer
It is comforting and powerful to know that you have loved me since conception, God of life and love – while I still swim in the darkness of my mother’s womb! You must know me better than I know myself! You have known me longer. Thank you for being my strength and our strength so that nothing nor no one can destroy or overwhelm us. Your challenge is awesome: to be like You: LOVE, which is gentle, generous, compassionate, uplifting and not self-seeking. What a great act of trust You place in us. We need Your help. I need Your help. Just as the people of Nazareth were disappointed that You sent someone they were too familiar with – someone they could not believe in, sometimes we are like that. Some of the most challenging people to love and trust are the people I am most familiar with. I know their flaws. I expect more. Familiarity does breed contempt in us, Lord! Just as Your familiar knowledge of me does not lessen, but rather enhances Your love, teach me to love more the people I know so well. Help me to continue to see their goodness and Your image and presence within them this day.
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