Fourth Sunday of Advent

First Scripture Reading
Micah 5: 1-4a
Second Scripture Reading
Hebrews 10: 5-10
Gospel Reading
Luke 1: 39-45

Opening Prayer

O Radiant Dawn, the splendor of eternal light, you are the sun of justice. Come, shine on those who dwell in darkness. We need Your light and hope. Shepherd our fears and reach deep to fulfill ancient promises You placed within us. Clarify our vision by Your rising light, that we might see your greatness and glory amid the small and hidden places where You are. Like John in Elizabeth’s womb, sensitize us to Your brilliant presence, even in wombs of darkness. Teach us to trust in the instincts of our hearts as they leap at the glimpse of you. Like Mary, make us arks of your covenant where your divine presence dwells, grows, and journeys. The time is coming close, Lord Jesus. The child in me gets excited at your coming. It really is dawn! The brilliant daylight of your coming is almost here. Come, Radiant Dawn!

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