Opening Prayer
When the special manna ceases, we get scared, Nurturing God. Yet You present new challenges in the journeys and hungers of our lives. Help us to eat deeply and digest the opportunities You present us. Help us to trust You as the God Who embraces us in Christ and who reconciles all gaps and divisions within and among You and ourselves. Even when we create rifts, when we squander our resources in the land of promise, You are the Faithful Father waiting anxiously for us to come home. Help us to wake up, admit our foolish mistakes, and humbly return to You. Humble us not to be like the older brother, trapped in righteousness. Give us Your welcoming, non-judgmental heart. Your unconditional forgiveness is awesome. I am humbled as I see You running breathlessly down the detours of my wandering heart to embrace and welcome me. Thank You!
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