Opening Prayer
O Ruler of all nations, You are the only joy of every human heart. We are made for you. You are the Keystone of the mighty arch of the human family. Come and save the people You have created from dust. You are ever creating hearts to share Your love. Anna gave thanks for her son Samuel, who will anoint the kings of Israel. She offers him to you. Like Mary, we give thanks to You for the wonders You work in her and through her. For Your Son You offer to us – who anoints us as royal people, chosen by You, ennobled by You, and embraced by You. May her “Magnificat” sing in our souls, for Your mercy is endless from age to age. You are mighty and do great things for us. Yes, Lord, Ruler of the nations, You are the desire of my heart. Holy is Your Name. In Your coming, I am coming home! And You are so close!!!
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