Fourth Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Hebrews 12: 4-7, 11-15
Gospel Reading
Mark 6: 1-6

Opening Prayer

Jesus, it must have stunned you that your hometown friends, relatives, and neighbors would not accept you as God’s anointed. They wanted more. They just would not listen, and it paralyzed your ability to act. They were too familiar with you. Like them, we often expect you to be outside and beyond the hometown of our life experience. Help us to listen to your voice in the people we live, work and interact with today. Inspire us to see you again in the Nazareths of our life – in the ordinary people and circumstances where we live. You teach and practice tough love, Lord! You are faithful to the best in us, even when we self-destroy. The painful ways you refine, challenge and spank us are for our maturity. Help us to believe that when we are angry with you. Jar us to wake up and respond as empowered daughters and sons of the Divine. Keep us faithful to what you have made of us!

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