Saturday of the Third Week of Advent

First Scripture Reading
Song of Songs 2: 8-14
Gospel Reading
Luke 1: 39-45

Opening Prayer

I love this dating game! We seem to be teasing each other in a romantic dance of light and darkness. As the Dawn seduces and dances with the darkness, before winning it over, so You dance and gently seduce me. I long for You, Radiant Dawn, my Beloved. And I believe that You long for me as Your beloved, with a divine passion beyond human understanding. Hiding in the crevices of my darkness, I look out to peek for You. My longing yearns to hear Your voice. Like Elizabeth, I know there is more than just a pregnant moment and person. Something, no everything, inside me leaps in anticipation. You are Radiant Dawn – and You are coming – rushing into my arms. I wait breathlessly. Help me embrace You, Eternal Light, and be Your beloved! Dancing with You will give birth to Your reign.

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