Opening Prayer
O Key of David, you are the royal strength of Israel. You open heaven’s gate. Come, we beg you, break down the prison walls for those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death. Lead your captive people to freedom. You saved Ahaz’s line by having a young maiden give birth. The child was the sign that you are Emmanuel, “God with us”, never abandoning us. You come to Mary, and ask her cooperation as You become Emmanuel “God with us”. Give us her openness to the royal dreams of her people and her radical availability to You. Yes, Lord, nothing is impossible with You. Give us faith to know that the new child is son of David, son of Mary, and Your Son. Gentle us not to fear but to embrace him as our brother. Today, help us to remember with love our parents who said “yes” to You and to us in ways beyond our understanding and impossible to measure.
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