Fourth Week of Easter

First Scripture Reading
Acts 13: 26-33
Gospel Reading
John 14: 1-6

Opening Prayer

God of surprises, like the people of Antioch, we are shamed as we listen to Paul. We are the people to whom You have revealed Yourself. We are the ones who should know and believe. But somehow we destroy the very things we are longing for. Thank You for being bigger and more powerful than all our destructive instincts, as You demonstrated in Jesus, Your Son, and our brother. You raised him to life. He is more present to us then ever before. He is our Way, our Truth, and our Life. As leaven within us he is taking us to a presence and place beyond what our human minds can understand and our yearnings can expect. Thank you for giving us such close and intimate access to You, Holy God, in the death and resurrection of Jesus. Be with us, even in the surprises, detours and labyrinths of our journey to You and Your Reign.

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