Memorial of Saint Andrew Kim Taegon, Saint Paul Chong Hasang, and their companions

First Scripture Reading
Ezra 1: 1-6
Gospel Reading
Luke 8: 16-18

Opening Prayer

God of Light, you are amazing! You choose the Persian King Cyrus to be a messiah for your people – to free them from exile in Babylon and return them to the land of promise to rebuild your Temple. Even strangers and unbelievers respect you, the Lord they do not know and understand. Brighten our spirits that we may see and be your light. Help us to see you in the people and places where we least expect to find you. Call us from being exiled from our own hearts and from you! InSpirit us with wisdom so that we never create or put bushel baskets over the light and dignity of any of your children. Be our light. Burn within us! Warm us! Strengthen us to be your living Temple here on earth, glowing with your presence and love. We ask you this in the name of Jesus, who is your light.

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