Opening Prayer
Powerful Jesus, Word of God, you transform us from separate citizens about our private journeys into the unifying dwelling place of God’s Spirit. Empower us to love as God loves that the world will know that you live and God loves and works through them. Dwell within us and restore our dignity as daughters and sons of the Holy One. Teach us to stand tall in humility. In the face of persecution and misunderstanding, give us courage to continue to spread your saving message. Like Barnabas and Paul, give us the wisdom to accept praise as your messengers but not to be deified. Make everything we do lead to you and reveal to people the One Living and Loving God. Lift us above our weakness which deifies and glorifies our needs, confining traditions, and messengers we are most comfortable with. Give us the gift of gentle discernment to embrace that we are the dwelling place of the Divine, but you alone are God!
In 1923, when you would have been only 50 years old, the official Church beatified Therese Martin. It confirmed what millions already believed, that you, Therese, were with the Risen Lord and were doing powerful good on earth, as a heavenly friend and intercessor. Today, humble and inspire us to see the blessedness of people who affirm and challenge us on this journey of life and love. Empower us to be as faithful to Jesus as you were and are, blessed Thérèse, and see His Face in each person we meet this day.
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