Friday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
2 John 4-9
Gospel Reading
Luke 17: 26-37

Opening Prayer

Jesus, we believe that You have come and will come again in fullness at the end of days. We who live in between should be affected by Your presence, past, present and future. Transform our lives and values so that we are not left to simply fulfill our human needs and emptiness. Make us children of the dawn of the end of days, who live in hope. Help us progress to Your kingdom by the way we treat each other. Keep us rooted in Your ancient core truths and empowered by Your restless Spirit. Keep us faithful to the past, without deifying it, even as we try to create Your future. Your love is our law, Lord Jesus! Your presence is our truth!

Therese, you moved to your new home in Lisieux in 1877, after your Mom died.  Your dad wanted to be closer to his relatives and family members.  You must have been both scared and excited.  As we make moves and try new adventures, help us to trust the experience of each day, as you did.  Teach us to live with trust in God’s providence.

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