Opening Prayer
Poor fig tree! Jesus, why did You curse that poor fig tree – it wasn’t the season for figs? I get nervous because I use that excuse that it is the right season, when I don’t want to do something You invite me to. Give me the courage and faith to believe that is always Your season – that everyone, including me, lives in the season of grace and there is never a reason to ignore Your invitations and the whispers of Your Spirit within us. These are the end times when your fullness is with us – and we are to use the gifts You have bestowed on us for others, generously. Help me to see the trials and tribulations I experience on the journey as refining moments which purify me, but never destroy. Let me not be like the buyers and sellers in the temple who make a profit out of what I do, always wanting a return, and creating barriers so the poor and others feel excluded. Overturn the greed of our society and my soul. Knock down barriers which prevent me from living from Your image and likeness. InSpirit me with faith that can move mountains, and step over hurts with forgiveness. Like the fig tree, I tremble because You will forgive me as I forgive others. The barriers, tables, and mountains I erect are about nursing hurts and lack of forgiveness.
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