Memorial of Saint Monica

First Scripture Reading
2 Thessalonians 2: 1-3a, 14-17
Gospel Reading
Matthew 23: 23-26

Opening Prayer

Jesus, you are so present and so far beyond!  We live in the expectation of your coming into our lives.  We believe that you are already here within and among us.  It is a taste which craves for the full meal of your presence in the end of days.  Keep us hungry.  Empower us not to be scared of the false announcements of your final and full coming.  Keep us faithful and expectant to the many subtle ways and surprising times you come to us each day.  Make us vessels of your constant, coming presence.  We put so much energy and attention into looking good outwardly.  Cleanse our hearts, souls and minds so that we are clean within.  May the purity of our hearts and vision see you as the source and strength of all good we are and do.

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