Memorial of Saint Pius X

First Scripture Reading
Ruth 2: 1-3, 8-11 - 4: 13-17
Gospel Reading
Matthew 23: 1-12

Opening Prayer

Awesome and powerful God, we need humility before you. You are the source of all gifts and goodness in our life. Jesus taught us humble service as the way of Your people. He warned us against power, privilege, pride and prestige which corrupt our spirits and do not further Your reign. Like Ruth, help us to be humble servants who pour ourselves out for others, not for prestige and thanks, but because it is the right thing to do – because it is what Jesus would do. Help us not to lay heavy burdens on others, but to seek the freedom of service as Jesus taught us. Give us the humility and confidence of Mary, who proclaimed: “The Lord has done marvels for me!”

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