Monday in the Octave of Easter

First Scripture Reading
Acts 2: 14, 22-33
Gospel Reading
Matthew 28: 8-15

Opening Prayer

Jesus, in death you are more dangerous than in your earthly life. We are both overjoyed and fearful in the confusion and wonder of it all. Cynical people believe that you are a hoax – a mirage of false hopes – a stolen body. Money is paid to proclaim a false truth and silence your presence. Why do we try to purchase silence for our hunger for you? Soften our hardened cynicism. We believe that you live! You show up in the Galilee of our daily lives. InSpirit our faith that we can see and touch you in all the people and ways you rise and appear in our experience today! Thank you, Eternal God, for raising Jesus to life and uplifting us all. Your dangerous risen presence changes everything!

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