Opening Prayer
Jesus, sometimes I don’t like the whole paschal mystery of suffering, death and life you plunge us into. I want the end-product of a happier, fuller life, without the pain. Yet, as you proclaim through Paul, to follow you is to walk your path. Give me hope when I am suffering and pain shrinks my spirit. Be light in my darkness. Sometimes I fear that my world is coming apart. Empower me to know that you are in charge and bringing everything together. Gentle me to be comfortable with the suffering, struggles and darkness of life. When I want to settle for the minimum of the law, you project the sublime Beatitudes as the law of God’s reign. They are lofty, but they are a stretch, Lord! Thank you for believing enough in us to stretch us and empower us to create Your reign. InSpirit us to live by your values and never to shrink God’s reign.
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