Opening Prayer
Holy God, mark us not with an X, but with the Cross of Jesus. Purify us so that we do not defile Your Temple nor Your holy city by our righteousness, selfishness and darkness. Continue to raise up and send prophets who challenge us with Your truth and move us toward creating Your reign. Protect us from righteous and mean spirited demons pretending to be angels light. Help us to believe that You have never abandoned the Temple You have made of us. Jesus still lives and works among us, as he promised. Make us more sensitive today to his presence among our sisters and brothers. Empower us to use the keys of the kingdom to loose whatever oppression, bondage and violence which limits or destroys the justice, freedom, peace, and dignity of any and all of your children. Because You have marked us with the cross of Jesus, enable us to believe that we are his Risen Body, the Temple of Your Spirit!
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