Saturday of the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Joshua 24: 14-29
Gospel Reading
Matthew 19: 13-15

Opening Prayer

Abba-Father, You revealed that You are a jealous God, You want all of us. In childlike trust, You ask us to let go of other supports and resources we have elevated to god-like security. You ask us to empty ourselves for You, as Mary did – as St. Therese did. Give us the confidence in You to trust Jesus. He told us that the kingdom of God belongs to children. Retouch the “child” in each of us that we may walk and live in innocence, wonder, simplicity and trust. Lift from us the harness of cynicism and the darkness of distractions, in which we serve our own needs as if they were gods. Embrace us as a father embraces his children – and free us to receive and enjoy Your embrace.

This is the last time you receive Holy Communion, St. Therese. And yet you did not pout in self-pity and rather knew that your longing for Jesus was even stronger even though your illness did not allow you to receive Communion. As you then taught us about “everything is grace”, help us to see the disappointments and darknesses of life as moments of grace when you are calling us closer and to my intimate trust of God.

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