Pentecost Sunday- Mass during the Day

First Scripture Reading
Acts 2: 1-11
Second Scripture Reading
1Corinthians 12: 3b-7, 12-13
Gospel Reading
John 20: 19-23

Opening Prayer

Breath of God, You are cooling breeze and blazing fire! Be the strong wind who overwhelms our fears and pettiness. Be tongues of fire who ignite us with passion and conviction. Be the words we speak and the message who changes hearts and leads all people to You. Make sense of and unify the babbling differences we experience. Eternal Spirit, respirate us beyond our individuated vision and connect us as one Body in Christ. Let Your breath permeate every fiber of our being and every aspect of the human experience. Forgive and heal all that separates us from You and one another. Teach and empower us never to strangle or bind others in our judgments so that they cannot breathe the life-giving oxygen of Your saving and freeing love. InSpirit us, Holy God. Make us holy by Your fiery, soothing presence.

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