Saturday of the Fourth Week of Easter

First Scripture Reading
Acts 13: 44-52
Gospel Reading
John 14: 7-14

Opening Prayer

Jesus, why is it frightening that you are moving on to God. You are the Way, and we want to follow. I start feeling abandoned when you talk that way. But you must move on as we must move on. God’s work must be done and God’s reign must be established. We go where you go, Jesus, because we believe that you are not abandoning us, but rather empowering us.

Teach us to shake the dust of pettiness and fear from our souls. Please don’t let righteousness blind us to God’s actions and words spoken today. Let us continue to be surprised, and not threatened, by who you invite into your reign. Give us the humility to acknowledge and the gratitude to celebrate that you are confined to our narrow vision and threatened, insecure hearts. Jesus, you are the God of Glory, breaking out in heaven and on earth – transcending time and space, and stretching us beyond our wildest dreams.

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