Second Sunday of Lent

First Scripture Reading
Genesis 15: 5-12, 17-18
Second Scripture Reading
Philippians 3: 17 - 4: 1
Gospel Reading
Luke 9: 28b-36

Opening Prayer

Transforming and Mysterious God, You seem to enjoy working in darkness and clouds. Like a blazing torch You sealed Your promise to Abram. In confusing clouds, You transformed Jesus so that they saw more clearly who and what he was. Continue to transform us that we might see more clearly and not worship our own needs. Transform our frailty and weakness that we truly be the Risen and Glorious Body of Your Son – that the world will be transfigured, freed and uplifted by Your Light, Justice and Mercy. Be our faithful God and work Your transforming wonders among us, whom You have chosen as Your own!

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