Seventh Sunday of Easter

First Scripture Reading
Acts 1: 12-14
Second Scripture Reading
1 Peter 4: 13-16
Gospel Reading
John 17: 1-11a

Opening Prayer

God of Day and God of Darkness, sometimes You confuse us! Jesus’ apostles and friends must have had mixed feelings of light, trust, wonderment, doubt, and abandonment as they returned from his ascension. Sometimes we feel the same mixed feelings, and wonder why You do not stay closer and Your presence is not more obvious. Help us to accept the times of darkness, suffering, and confusion as Your refining Invitation to trust and greater intimacy. Increase our faith in Jesus as Your Light and Glory within us and beyond us. As His Ascension is Your act of trust in us, enlighten and empower us to be as comfortable with the darkness as with the light on this journey to Your Reign and final Glory.

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