Opening Prayer
Your Spirit is delightful, the way She moves and empowers among us. I love the way they gambled to choose a successor, trusting that you were guiding them. We need such trust in your guidance today, Lord! Your Spirit-Wisdom is redefining you as it re- defines us. Help us to truly believe that You are Love, not some force we are afraid of, or some divine force distant from us, or a heavenly bully. Empower us to be like You, and truly love one another with unconditional respect. We need Your Spirit to transform us this day – overcome our darkness so that we see all Your children as holy. Consecrate us again in Your uplifting, forgiving and unifying truth, so that we do not divide, demean or destroy anyone. Risen Lord, thank you for gambling on us, and choosing us to belong to you, to be your lot, and the witnesses to your risen glory and powerful message.
Bless our Moms today, and all the women who give us life and nurture us, as a reflection and human expression of Your maternal love for us!
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