Thursday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Genesis 9: 1-13
Gospel Reading
Mark 8: 27-33

Opening Prayer

God of rainbows, it is awesome the way You are recreating our world with hope and fertility. The wonderful variety is such a gift to us. Help us to reverence Your Creation, using what we need as You have given it to us, but not abusing the harmony of Your gifts nor destroying its wonder. Renew our reverence for the gift of life, especially human life in all its development from conception to completion in death. Gentle the violence in us that destroys creation and each other. Empower us not to be like Peter, who alone seems to know that you are the One, and yet balks when it is not on his terms of power and success. Let not the sufferings of life harden our hearts in disbelief. InSpirit us so that we are not fickle, but rather courageous in Your seamless garment of life issues. Let Your rainbow shine again in our hearts and across Your creation.

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