Saturday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Hebrews 11: 1-7
Gospel Reading
Mark 9: 2-13

Opening Prayer

Brilliant and awesome God, we need to see the light amid the confusing darkness. Transfigure us as You transfigured Jesus. Give us the light of conviction about things we cannot see. Help us transcend the obvious and see You as our fullness, despite the multiple material things we fill ourselves with. They do not quench our desire, because it is rooted in You and is for You. Deepen our faith to believe that You truly exist deep within us and beyond us, and work in our world. Transfigure us, God of light, to see glimpses of Your glory in all people and situations of our lives. Clarify our vision to see Elijah and Moses signifying your fulfillment of ancient dreams and covenant promises. Enlighten us to be faithful in the dark and confusing times of suffering. Be our God of Light – – without You, we only grope in darkness.

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