Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

First Scripture Reading
Revelation 11: 19a, 12: 1-6a, 10ab 
Second Scripture Reading
1 Corinthians 15: 20-27
Gospel Reading
Luke 1: 39-56

Opening Prayer

Loving father, You asked Mary’s permission and cooperation to become a human person in Jesus. Her unconditional “yes” allowed the greatest expression of Your love. In Mary, You have lifted the whole human family – She is the glory of our race. She is our sure hope of salvation. As the Ark of the Covenant, she visits Elizabeth, bringing the new divine presence. The new visits the old, because You are ever faithful. The womb of the old stirs in the presence of the Holy. She proclaims the values of Your reign and the power of Your presence. As the Woman of Revelation, she promises that if we cooperate with You as she did, that the fullness of Your dreams would be accomplished, and salvation would be granted. As she slept into Your arms, You embraced her body and soul into Your eternal embrace. As Mary shares the gift of Your resurrection, grant us the gift of the fullness of life. She is our sure hope of salvation, through Your gracious generosity. What great things You do for us! In the womb of our hearts, empower our spirits to be stirred by Your marvelous and mysterious presence.

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