Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

First Scripture Reading
Hosea 11: 1, 3-4, 8c-9
Second Scripture Reading
Ephesians 3: 8-12, 14-19
Gospel Reading
John 19: 31-37

Opening Prayer

Jesus, you are the human heart of God. Your legs were not broken, but Your heart was pierced because we do not respond well to divine love. Thank you for the hurt and pain you bore out of love for us. You are life-giving God, who pours Yourself out totally for us. You taught us to walk. Your arms embrace us. I love it as You pick me up and rub our cheeks together. Your parenting touch is awesome, even as You reveal Yourself as beyond us. Your love is at the depths of who we are – you are our treasure. In Jesus you have made us your beloved daughters and sons. May Your broken heart break down the barriers we build between You and us – and between each other. May Your blood and life-giving water make us holy and just. Thank you for making us your Valentine and the apple of Your eye. Your heart is awesome, warm and embracing, and the only hope of our straying hearts. Heart of Jesus, I love you!

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