Opening Prayer
Elijah, you have such a flair for the dramatic! Speak to the mountains and challenging confusion of our hearts and call us back to faith. Call forth the fire of God. Inspire us not to be like pious prophets who chant and try to earn God’s action by our works, prayers, dances and songs. Give us your faith to claim and demand God’s love as a divine free gift. Enkindle a passion for God which burns away all needs, sins and things which we idolize. Be our God of Life. Keep us faithful to the heart of God’s law, not in a legalistic, empty sense of obedience, but with the innocent, wholehearted love of a child. InSpirit us to believe that we are God’s children, drenched in the sacrificial blood of Jesus and waters of Baptism. Holy One, only You are God! Only You are God!
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