Opening Prayer
Eternal God, beyond time, You are so present and active with us in time and space. Thank you for giving us a new year of life – a new year of grace. It is wonderful that we begin this year celebrating Mary, who was your new beginning. We rejoice that her cooperation allowed you to come into our time and space and become one of us in Jesus. In her and through her, Your saving action takes flesh and we become Your sons and daughters, which can rightly name you “Abba” Dad. Through her, Your face has human expression and we can see You and be blessed. As she carefully watched, listened and pondered in her heart everything happening within and around her, give us her contemplative heart that we may watch attentively, listen carefully, treasuring the gentle ways you break into our lives. Thank you for life, Abba -Dad! Thank you, Mary, Amma – Mom, for connecting us with God. Look kindly and gently on us throughout this new year.
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