The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

First Scripture Reading
Daniel 7: 13-14
Second Scripture Reading
Revelation 1: 5-8
Gospel Reading
John 18: 33b-37

Opening Prayer

Jesus, your truth is so freeing. It is such a comfort to believe the freeing truth that you are Lord and King – the Alpha and Omega – holding the whole world in your hands. I feel relieved, because so often I am wrestling you for control. I try to carry everything and everyone around me. I am sorry for the struggle I put you through as I try to have absolute power over my life and over creation around me. As you humbly surrendered to Pilate and did not use available power to change the situation, teach me the humility to trust you, as Sovereign of all creation. You earned your dominion from God through surrender and sacrifice. You reign because you were on your knees washing feet and were nailed, powerless, and in painful surrender of all of you to the God. You have the authority of service and the power of love which define your reign. Teach me service and love, and not to lust for power, privilege and prestige. You are my King. Rule my heart! Teach me to be your servant and friend.

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