Opening Prayer
Nurturing God, we are what we eat and drink. We are what You feed and serve us. Thank You for giving us food for the journey to the Reign. Thank You for the Body and Blood of Jesus which feeds and transforms us. Thank You for using the elements of our earth and meals. While we reverence Your presence in this Blessed Sacrament, help us to understand Your purpose: that You are making us the living Body and Blood of Your Son, to be broken, spilled and shared that we might transform this world into the justice and holiness of Your Reign. InSpirit us not to hoard what You give us, but to share what we have that all people may be fed and know Your nourishing presence and love. Stretch our hearts to believe that there is more than enough for everyone because You are more than enough. Thank You, Bread of Life, Blood of Covenant, Jesus Christ.
Teach us to love and reverence our Dads today, as reflections of Your fathering love for us!
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