Third Sunday of Advent

First Scripture Reading
Isaiah 35: 1-6 a, 10
Second Scripture Reading
James 5: 7-10
Gospel Reading
Matthew 11: 2-11

Opening Prayer

God of the desert, I need a refreshing drink of Your life-giving water.  As You make the desert bloom, the weak strong, the fearful confident, and lame dancing again, so call into the crippling emptiness of my soul.  Uplift and heal me.  Rain Your presence upon the desert of my soul.  Make confidence, wholeness and hope blossom in me.  I’m sorry if I confuse You.  I confuse myself!  Just as John, who named Jesus as Messiah, doubted his ministry and messianic mission, so we have confusing expectations of what we expect and where we look for You.  As we walk into Advent dawn, continue to stretch and challenge the horizons of our spirits, until we are like You – and live in the light of Your presence and reign.  Save us from second-guessing ourselves – and You!  Dawn in us, Lord!

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