Third Sunday of Lent

First Scripture Reading
Exodus 17: 3-7
Second Scripture Reading
Romans 5: 1-2, 5-8
Gospel Reading
John 4: 5-42

Opening Prayer

You are Living Water, Who quenches the deepest thirst of the human heart! Like the exodus people, we sometimes grumble, when You don’t immediately satisfy our needs. We don’t trust when we are not sure where You are leading us – in the face of new challenges when we don’t know the result. Please be patient with us. Your absolute, unconditional love is our only hope – that You are present in our midst, and Jesus has justified us and paved the way. I’d love to be with You at the well with the Samaritan woman. Weren’t You taking a risk even being seen with her? She stood her ground with You, Jesus. But You challenged her and us about living water that transforms our lives and relationships. Teach us to drink Your life-giving water that enables us to worship in Spirit and Truth. Provide for us the food we need, not just our immediate hunger. Empower us to be as faithful to God on our exodus journey, as You are, Jesus. Be the living water and substantial food we need.

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