Wednesday of the Third Week of Advent

First Scripture Reading
Jeremiah 23: 5-8
Gospel Reading
Matthew 1: 18-25

Opening Prayer

O sacred Lord of ancient Israel, You showed Yourself to Moses in the burning bush and gave us Your law on Sinai. We look for You to come again and reveal Yourself in fire and free us by Your Law in our time. Your promises touch my heart because You promise to restore the people with dignity and justice – to lift up oppression which binds and limits – and to reclaim us as Your own. Like Joseph, I sometimes have doubts about the way You act and You could be so close. Yet, as Joseph trusted Mary in her radical openness to You, teach me to trust You. May Your revelation burn away my fear. InSpirit me to embrace the ways Your Word is becoming enfleshed within and around me. O sacred Lord of ancient Israel, be my saving God this day with youthful passion, born of hope, and refined by revealing experience.

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