Monday of the Third Week of Advent

First Scripture Reading
Numbers 24: 2-7; 15-17a
Gospel Reading
Matthew 21: 23-27

Opening Prayer

Holy God, You are Divine Light. You are the Divine Spark of our human soul! Be the light who transforms and transcends, so that we may be more like You. Gift us with the vision of Your Wisdom – with Your divine clarity amid our confusion and blurred vision. Unveil our blindness so that we can see Your glory breaking out and Your Kingdom being born. Give us the confident vision of Jesus to trust You speaking with piercing truth – to trust Your voice and authority of Your presence. Be our Light and never let us try to diminish or extinguish Your light and the divine spark in others. Remove our questioning doubt. Give our souls sight that we might see the spark of Your presence and respond with wholehearted passion. Be our transforming Advent Light, within and beyond!

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